Please enter your First Name here

Please type your Middle Name here

Please enter your Last Name here

Please enter your address of record here.

Please enter your mobile number as such - 2025551212 (without any formatting).

Please provide details of your request. A member of our support staff will respond to it within 7 business days. Thank you.

Add file or drop files here

    Welcome to DC DMV Eye Report Submission Form. On this page, you can submit your Medical Report form. Please follow the steps listed below.

    1. Please download the DC DMV Eye Report Form and have it completed by a licensed medical practitioner.
    2. Eye Report Form is located here -
    3. The Eye Report Online Submission Form should be completely filled out and certified by your Opthalmologist/Optometrist.
    4. Once the Eye Report Form is completed by your Opthalmologist/Optometrist, scan and save it.
    5. Next, upload and submit the filled out report as an attachment via the form below.

    Once received, DC DMV will review the report. If approved, your DC DMV driving record will be updated accordingly. You will be notified of the status of your online submission via the email address you provided on this form.

    Welcome to DC DMV Medical Report Submission Form. On this page, you can submit your Medical Report form. Please follow the steps listed below.

    1. Please download the DC DMV Medical Report Form and have it completed by a licensed medical practitioner.
    2. Medical Report Form is located here -
    3. The Medical Report Online Submission Form should be completely filled out and certified by medical practitioner.
    4. Once the Medical Report Form is completed by your medical practitioner, scan and save it.
    5. Next, upload and submit the filled out report as an attachment via the form below.

    Once received, DC DMV will review the report. If approved, your DC DMV driving record will be updated accordingly. You will be notified of the status of your online submission via the email address you provided on this form.

    Welcome to DC DMV page to request Disability Parking Placard or Tags. To submit a request, please follow the steps listed below.

    1. Please download the DC DMV Disability Parking Placard or Tags Form and have it completed.
    2. Disability Parking Placard or Tags Form is located here -
    3. The form should be completely filled out and certified.
    4. Once the form is completed, scan and save it.
    5. Next, upload and submit the filled out report as an attachment via the form below.

    Once received, DC DMV will review the report. If approved, your DC DMV will send your placard/tags to your address of record. You will also be notified of the status of your online submission via the email address you provided on this form.

    Thank you for visiting the Department of Motor Vehicle's Registered Out-of-State Automobile (ROSA) exemption form.

    ** The documents asked are required to apply for a ROSA exemption. If all documents are not attached, your request may be denied.

    **All documents must be in the name of the registered vehicle owner unless a residency certification is being used.

    **To adjudicate a ROSA related ticket, please copy and paste the following link into your browser address bar:

    Drivers licensed in the District of Columbia may submit a request to DC DMV for a Limited Occupational License (LOL) following the suspension or revocation of their license. Please provide a letter from your employer, on company stationery or letterhead, addressed to Adjudication Services, certifying your need to have a driver license to maintain your livelihood

    You may provide your application in person or by mail to DC DMV, Adjudication Services, 955 L'Enfant Plaza, SW, Promenade Level – Suite P100, Washington, DC 20024. A hearing examiner will review the information presented and make a decision based on applicable District of Columbia traffic laws and regulations. You will be notified in writing of the examiner’s decision within five (5) business days of your submission.

    Your request approval or denial will be sent through the email you have provided here.

    Please use this form to request the mail date of your hearing record. Your request will be sent through the email you have provided here.

    Requests for an American Sign Language (ASL) interpreter require two weeks notice. For scheduled hearings, including walk-in and virtual hearings on a minor moving, parking and photo enforcement violations, please submit ASL interpreter requests in-person or by using the form below

    Thank you for following up on the eNotification that was sent to you regarding the need to verify your residence address. Please complete all fields on this form and upload 2 acceptable Proofs of Residency.

    **All information requested on this form is required to be provided to resolve associated system issues.

    **Acceptable Proofs of Residency can be found on the DC DMV website at

    The Medical Referral process is a program where members of Law Enforcement, Medical Professionals, Motor Vehicle Administrations, and Concerned Relatives can report drivers whom they feel are no longer able to safely operate a motor vehicle due to a medical condition.

    Only complete this form if you are a driver who is self-reporting or a member of Law Enforcement, Medical Professional, Motor Vehicle Administration, or Concerned Relative. Please note, age is not a consideration.

    Upon review, DC DMV will investigate and take action as necessary. Identities of persons submitting Medical Referral reports will remain confidential.

    The Online CDL/DOT Medical Certification Update Form is a module for current DC CDL holders to update CDL/DOT medical certification information. The module should only be used to update a CDL/DOT Medical Certification.

    If your medical certificate expires within 5 days, please visit the DC DMV Deanwood location to update your status and ensure timely compliance.

    Timely submission of CDL/DOT Medical Certification will ensure your CDL does not get Disqualified.

    All commercial drivers must be examined by a medical professional listed on the National Registry of Certified Medical Examiners.

    If your vehicle is more than 75 miles from the District of Columbia and not returning before the current inspection sticker expires, you can submit an out of state inspection report by completing the following steps:

    • Take your vehicle to a certified repair service center or dealer
    • Request an emissions test, or an on-board diagnostic test - if the state you are in does not offer emissions testing.
    • You must obtain the certified repair center or dealer test results and work order on an official letterhead. The emission testing results, and work order must include the following:
      • Vehicle year
      • Current mileage
      • Vehicle make
      • Vehicle model
      • Vehicle Identification Number (VIN)
      • Tag number

    Once received, DC DMV will review the out-of-town inspection results to ensure your vehicle passes emission requirements for the District of Columbia. If approved, DC DMV will update your vehicle's inspection history for 2 years. The DC inspection fee will be charged when you renew your vehicle registration with DC DMV. You will be notified of the status of your online submission via the email address provided on this form. DC DMV will mail you an inspection sticker to the out of state address provided in this form.

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